1 Day Trip To Essaouira From Marrakech

Trip Plan:

1 Day Trip To Essaouira From Marrakech

1 Day Trip To Essaouira From Marrakech

The day to Essaouira is an opportunity to a lovely city to visit, one of UNESCO’s World Heritage locales, 170 km from Marrakech. Essaouira is situated on the Atlantic coast. Essaouira is known by the Gnaoua music festival that organized every year for three days during the main seven day stretch of June. It is an opportunity for Gnaoua musicians, from different countries, to perform and dialogue

Gnawa music is a well-known style of music with a plentiful repertory of ancient African Islamic spiritual religious songs and rhythms.

 The city was a home of many civilizations. The Portuguese architecture is revealed in the historical buildings of the city like the blue doors. Portugal occupied Essaouira in the 15th century. “Jewel of the Atlantic” is what Essouira considered as.

Essaouira is listed among the World Heritage sites by UNESCO

Essaouira is also one of the best direction of surfers because of its unstoppable wind during the year.

 There is a chance to go for a stretch along the beach.you will Enjoy a delectable fish lunch in a nearby eatery before going to Marrakech.

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